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  • Double leg bent

    The "double leg bent stretch" is the second exercise of the abdominal series in Pilates. It's such a complete exercise and although it's in the beginner sequence, it's not easy when properly executed! In it you can find the strength, length and control!

  • A Smart Foot - 41 min

    A Smart Foot
    Level 3 - Pace: slow
    Proprioception makes our ligaments “more intelligent”. In the foot we have so many ligaments that when we start using specific proprioception exercises it makes a HUGE difference.
    In this class we’ll warm up the foot and do lots of work to improve the awareness ...

  • Hip flexors and lumbar spine - 39 min

    Pilates & ELDOA: Hip flexors and lumbar spine
    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    We'll follow the sequence of an intermediate Pilates Mat and we'll add exercises like the detorsion of the fascia iliaca, some GPS, some ELDOA and some myofascial stretches to fully release the tension at the lumbar spine and ...